My New Blog/Website

Greetings everyone!
Hope you've recovered well from Thanksgiving and are out working off the newly found love handles. Today is a big day in my photo career, the rollout of my blog/website ( I invite you to check out the website, especially the galleries link. You will see photos I've taken over the last couple of years that I am proud of. I will be using this blog to provide updates on my photo travels and escapades beginning with my trip to Argentina next week.  As the blog site progresses, I plan on interviewing fellow photographers, sharing photo experiences and keeping folks updated on my life as a second career photographer!
While you are at the site, please provide feedback either on the page you are looking at (in the comments box) or on the contacts page. Let me know what you like/don't like or if you find anything that isn't working correctly. I really would appreciate it.
If you really like the blog, you can sign up through an RSS feed right there. The feed will notify you when something new has been posted (if you aren't sure how to do it, email me and I will walk you through it). You can also sign up for email updates or Facebook/Twitter updates if you prefer.  If you don't want to go those routes, don't worry, my blog updates will automatically create posts in Twitter and Facebook and you can just click the link from there.
Many of you followed along with me during my iphone 365 photos in a year project on FB (soon to be in its own gallery on this website) and I appreciate that. Now I'm entering into a new stage in this journey and hope to have you come along. Take care and be chattin with you soon!
Cheers Laurent


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